Category Archives: Fix Layout

Designing Fixed Layout Ebooks for Various Screen Resolution Tablets

Preparing for Fixed Layout Ebook Design   Are you preparing artwork for a fixed layout e-hanced book or interactive book? Or maybe it’s something you are curious about. It’s important to know the specs for the device it will display on. Currently, Apple’s iPad is getting the lion’s share of artfully designed enhanced and interactive […]

Demibooks Composer: Building Interactive Books Directly On iPad

Demibooks Composer: Building Interactive Books Directly On iPad

Create Fixed Layout Epub Books On the iPad

Fixed layout is the format of choice for many designers of picture-laden ebooks. Until very recently, the tools for such ebooks were few or highly technical. The format options are fairly broad for ebook authors of non-fiction and fiction books that are primarily text-based. Epub is the format used on iPad and many other tablets. Kindle […]

iPad: A Publishing Platform for E-Books & Interactive Book Creators

The iPad is fast becoming a publishing platform. It will bring with it a type of gold rush for independent content creators of e-books and interactive books. That’s right, books will be created on the iPad. That will be especially true of fixed-layout coffee table-type books and picture-laden books. We’ll look deeper into that, but […]